Appreciating the best memes from Weird Celtics Twitter this season

The NBA season is on indefinite hiatus.

Fortunately, Posting season never stops.

Here is an academic breakdown of some of Weird Celtics Twitter’s best memes so far this year.

1. Tall Tatum by @lobstadelic

Lost in the debate about Jayson Tatum’s true age is his absolutely skyrocketing height. He will likely be out of the frame by the time the season comes back. Good art speaks truth to power. The best art speaks truth to Tower.

2. El Mona Lisa by @smarfwater

The new point god in Boston is as mesmerizing as anything in the Louvre. Get too close to the Mona Lisa and a guard will hit you with a “Step back!”

MY guard’s step back is sweeter.  

3. Thanksgiving by @SteveMerkle9

The suspended season has us all giving thanks to the basketball we’ve seen this year. You can be sure Smarf cut through this turkey like he cuts through opposing screens.  

4. The College Dropout by @manbearpiggins

There are too many tracks on The College Dropout that fit Tatum’s junior season Leap. We’ll go with Track 7.

5. 360 Degrees of Jaylen by @SteveMerkle9

He was not named an All-Star but Jaylen Brown made a Leap of his own this season. Stare long enough at this piece of art and experience The Awakening.

6. Godswilla by @DJ_Bean

Part one of the great Jayson Tatum nickname war of 2019-20. Based on Tatum’s new back tattoo. (Disclosure: I included this meme by a co-worker because I am a Company Man)

7. Absolute Problem by @wlohaty

Part two of the great Jayson Tatum nickname war of 2019-20. After being christened an “Absolute Problem” by LeBron James, Tatum earned the rarest distinction of them all: a meme by the Polish Poster himself.

8. My Guy, Our Country by @Max_Lederman

I included this meme to encourage people of all skill-levels to Post. If TV’s Max Lederman can do it, so can you!

9. Seal Team Theis by @beardjam

Fun fact: Seals can sleep underwater and can even surface to breathe without waking. That’s how easy it is for Daniel Theis to take your fave center out of the lane. He does it in his sleep.

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